Houston Bus Accident AttorneysHouston Bus Accident Attorney
The last thing that passengers on a bus or van consider is that they could be involved in a serious accident during their trip. Unfortunately, negligence on behalf of Houston METRO transit operators is a common occurrence. It is important to contact a bus accident attorney at Ben Bronston & Associates immediately after your accident, regardless of whether you were a passenger on the bus, in another car and hit by the bus, or hit by a bus while a pedestrian, motorcyclist, or bicyclist.

According to the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003, an individual who has sustained injuries from a motor vehicle accident may be barred from filing a claim for their injuries against the negligent driver after a specified time period has passed. This time period, also known as a statute of limitations (SOL), prevents injured individuals from filing a lawsuit against the negligent party two years after the date of injury in Texas. Since this is such a short time period, it is essential to contact a Houston bus accident attorney at Ben Bronston & Associates as soon as possible after your accident.

Houston Bus Accident Statistics
The Houston Metro Bus lines are a vital link in the transportation chain for many Houston residents. On an average weekday in December 2017, more than 175,000 people rode the bus, according to Metro statistic. In addition to the Metro buses traveling the roads, Houston area school buses help reduce the number of cars on the road each day. It would take 36 cars to carry the number of children one bus carries. Buses provide riders with safe and efficient transportation.

Bus accidents are rare, but, when they do occur, the results can be tragic and painful. In 2015, the latest year with full data available, there were more than 4,300 large vehicles, including buses involved in fatal accidents. This is an increase of 8% from previous years. The number of buses involved in fatal accidents increased by more than 11%. These disturbing trends will likely continue to increase as the use of public transportation continues to grow over coming years.

How to Ride Busses Safely

Remaining seated while the bus is moving is one of the biggest keys to bus rider safety. It only takes a few extra moments to get up and head to the exit after the bus stops, and the brief time savings is not worth the risk of injury that standing on a moving bus can entail.

Bus injuries don’t just happen to riders on the bus. A significant number of injuries happen to riders before they enter the bus or immediately after exiting. Stay clear of the curb while the bus approaches and wait for it to come to a complete stop before approaching to enter. Be sure to stay where the driver can see you if you cross in front of the bus, either after exiting or when attempting board.

Other Bus Safety Tips:

  • Use the handrail. Always keep a grip on the handrail when stepping up or down the steps of the bus.
  • Watch for loose clothes/gear. Pay attention to backpack straps, coats, clothing, or any other items that the door or seats of the must might catch as you walk down the aisle of the bus. The sudden motion of a loose item catching could cause you to stumble and fall.
  • Keep your body inside the bus at all times while riding. Do not stick your arms or head outside the bus. This is especially true while the bus is in motion, but other things could hurt you even when the bus is still.

What to Do After a Bus Accident in Texas

After any bus accident, be sure to call 911 for help if you are able. Chances are, the driver has already called, but place the call just to be sure. Police will come to the scene to investigate the accident and file a report, and other first responders will arrive to provide medical care.

Since most busses do not have seatbelts or airbags for passengers, it’s hard to keep yourself safe during an accident. If you think you suffered an injury, seek medical attention right away. Some injuries can take hours to present symptoms, so getting prompt medical attention will also help document any injuries related to the accident.

Try to get contact information for other passengers and any witnesses or bystanders. They can help establish the facts of what caused the accident. Try to take pictures of the accident scene. This can help establish the facts of the case and provide critical visual information to support your version of events.

Speaking to a Houston bus accident lawyer at Ben Bronston & Associates as soon as possible can help ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.